Answer: With a general shortfall of available rental properties across the board in the US, purchasing a home has now become 26.3% cheaper than renting. In a study conducted each year for the past 6, real estate giant Trulia has studied housing trends in 100 major metropolitan areas, many of which were in the Midwest and throughout Ohio. It's studies indicated a huge shift in the market for our nation as a whole. And, while many argue the point that home repairs are not the responsibility of the occupant in a rental situation, research has indicated that the renter actual spends as much or more as a renter versus an owner once you account for the fact that they are not gaining equity with the money they pay monthly to their landlord. If you are putting down your roots for any length of time, purchasing a home allows you to accrue equity (typically within 5-7+ years). So pack your bags and get ready to experience the sense of pride that can only come through home ownership!